Friday 2 December 2022

That's A Very Good Question, Sky News...

Do you answer it?
The charity boss at the centre of the Buckingham Palace racism row and her six siblings grew up in the 1960s as the "only black family on our road. Ngozi Fulani, now 61, said her parents, who had moved to Britain from Barbados as part of the Windrush generation, "embraced everybody" and never allowed the "barriers we faced outside" to be brought into the house in Kilburn, northwest London.
Reader, they do not. 

You might think 'Ngozi Fulani' is not a very Barbadian name, and, well, whaddayaknow?

Ah, modern 'journalism'...


  1. Modern activism too. Always hit low.

  2. She's made a huge mistake. The media will now dig deeply into her charity's financial records which are apparently very iffy. Proving that she is African after all.
    I wouldn't advise her to drive through any tunnels in Paris

  3. Robert the Biker2 December 2022 at 17:11

    Oh noes! Teh raycisums!
    So, fake african name, afro clobber and hat, nice old dear asks "where you from then", cue outrage. This shows why you laugh at these shrieking twats instead of apologising. If Chuckles had any jam,he'd have refused to accept her resignation,said how he has no time for manufactured outrage, then announced that to spare super spade any further issues, she is permanently banned from all Royal do's

  4. Ngozi is Zulu for Chief. The feminine is Ngozikazi (wife of Chief).
    The Fulani people are one of the largest ethnic groups in the Sahel and West Africa with a population estimated to be between 25 and 40 million. Many West African leaders are of Fulani descent including the President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari; the President of Senegal, Macky Sall; the President of Gambia, Adama Barrow; the President of Guinea-Bissau, Umaro Sissoco Embaló; the Vice President of Sierra Leone, Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh; and the Prime Minister of Mali, Boubou Cisse. (from Wikipedia)

  5. "Modern activism too. Always hit low."


    "She's made a huge mistake. The media will now dig deeply into her charity's financial records ..."

    If by 'the media' you mean 'bloggers', then yes.

    We aren't talking Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein here. In fact, modern 'journalists' would probably have to consult Wikipedia to even know who they are...

    "If Chuckles had any jam..."

    We now know he doesn't. And have another reason to mourn the Queen's passing.

    "Ngozi is Zulu for Chief. The feminine is Ngozikazi (wife of Chief)."

    I knew that! OK, from reading Wilbur Smith, but still... 😁
