Thursday 1 December 2022

The Backtracking Begins...

Britain didn't need to roll out Covid booster jabs to the entire population, one of the country's top virus experts said today.
Sir John Bell, who served as Boris Johnson's testing tsar and an early member of the vaccines taskforce, said he's 'not entirely sure' the nation needed top-up doses, which health chiefs said were vital for all adults to boost protection amid the Omicron wave last winter.

Who's next..? Because you know that once one does it, they all do it... 

Pretty soon, you won't find anyone willing to admit they had a hand in this.


  1. You see it everywhere,from classrooms to parliaments. They all point fingers at one another until they all point fingers at one person and that's your fall guy. I must check to see if William Hill are running a book on it.

  2. It won’t be too long before the government declares it’s your fault, after all the pressure, name calling, threats and restrictions you could still have declined to be vaccinated.

  3. and yet they are still recommending it in people. The gullible sheep we call British citizens don't know how to do any real thinking and still think it is effective.

    Our government is still talking about vaccine passports and our flu jabs are being replaced with an rMRA variant.

    Scum and a Nuremberg type trial should be in the future.

  4. "I must check to see if William Hill are running a book on it."


    "It won’t be too long before the government declares it’s your fault..."

    I'm just waiting for that! I took the first vaccine, but that was all.

    "The gullible sheep we call British citizens don't know how to do any real thinking and still think it is effective."

    Yes. *sigh*
