Friday 9 December 2022

Why Are You Asking Questions To Which You Already Know The Answers..?

Questions are being asked about how the boy was able to ride the scooter when Voi’s policy states riders must be over 18 and hold a provisional driving licence, as well as a valid payment method.

Hmmm, who was the boy? 

A 12-year-old boy who was killed riding an e-scooter that collided with a bus in Birmingham has been named as Mustafa Nadeem.


The West Midlands assistant police and crime commissioner Tom McNeil said “new questions were needed over Voi age verification” after Mustafa’s death.

No questions for the parents, then? 

Were they unaware their son was breaking the law? Did they not know how he was getting to school? 

Police said Mustafa’s family were being kept updated as they establish the full circumstances of the incident, and had asked to be allowed to grieve in private.

So is there to be no questions for them at all? 


  1. I bet they don't grieve in private. It won't be long before they're 'raising awareness' and calling for scooter bans

  2. Yet another Mustafa?

  3. @Bucko "calling for scooter bans" well there's the silver lining right there.

  4. Must 'av a scooter - it's my uman rites, init

  5. "I bet they don't grieve in private. It won't be long before they're 'raising awareness' and calling for scooter bans"

    As The Cowboy points out, let some good come from this!

    "Yet another Mustafa?"


    "Must 'av a scooter - it's my uman rites, init"

    Don't they only apply to humans?
