Thursday 29 December 2022

Would That Have Helped?

The hearing also heard that she had not been given enough “control and restraint” training and was not provided with a PPE helmet.
I'm not sure any amount of training would help a 54 year old woman subdue a 28 year old deranged man...
He said that Ms Barwell was not aware of Burke’s previous violent outbursts despite Serco having access to this information.
No-one told her or gave her any indication that this was a man who could lash out for any reason and that you could not read him or know how he would react and that is certainly what happened here,” Mr Menzies said.

Do you have to inform zookeepers that the tiger they are caring for could lunge at any moment? No, of course not - you're expected to understand it's a dangerous anumal. 

Why is it different for Serco employees?


  1. Well, one solution to the problem would be to have the murderous brownie first flogged, and then hung, as a warning to other violent prisoners to behave.

    As to the fact that the escort was a woman, that gives rise to a whole raft of issues. Firstly, the question of women invading men's spaces, doing jobs that traditionally a man would have done - and men are rather better at seeing that another man is likely to be violent. Secondly, most men would recognise that it probably needs at least one other to keep a violent nutter under control, and that one is not enough - man or woman. I say with justification than many women are hopeless at reading the minds and intentions of violent brown nutters, because they lust to mate with them! (Or so it seems. Monkeys and Apes are just the same).

    Then, we have the wokery that doesn't let us take the ethnicity of the perp into account.

    I also have to ask what on earth was he in for in the first place?

  2. Of course, Serco (the company) is in the dock and Serco pleaded guilty to "one count of failure discharge general health, safety and welfare duty". If I read the report correctly (and/or the report itself is accurate), none of the directors or senior executives of Serco who were responsible for this have been charged and tried for manslaughter (for that's what it is). Someone at Serco - a person who could be/should be named - is responsible for Ms Barwell's demise (as well as the nutter who was the proximate cause of her death).

  3. Responsibility is like water. It tends to end up at the lowest possible level. Possibly, a minion will be blamed and punished, while the CEO, or senior management, will get off scot free. Meanwhile, any times that Servo will have to pay, will lead to an increased rate for the government contract, meaning the taxpayers will pay.

  4. But, but ... any woman can restrain any man (easily and stylishly, whilst wearing heels). I know this because it's in every film, TV show, piece of fiction, and because every woman believes it should be so.

    Why stop at Serco management. Let's blame and charge the real culprits, the feminists - and every woman stupid (or should that really be greedy) enough to believe them.

    So the defence? Serco can rightly argue that 'if' they supplied information, advice, and PPE that they wouldn't have to a 6' 5" 17 st man like me (or God forbid insisted men performed certain tasks as the only ones capable) they 'would' be attacked, vilified, fined and probably either shut down or sent to prison themselves (incidentally, probably by the very women who were injured and died). i.e. they weren't allowed to do so by the requirements (and laws, let us not forget) of the very women now (surprise, surprise) complaining so bitterly.

    As such I have no sympathy. If you are a small 54 year old woman and you think not only that you can, but should, have such a job, demand and sue for the 'right', then you should get exactly what you want ... good and hard (as happened here).

  5. "...none of the directors or senior executives of Serco who were responsible for this have been charged and tried for manslaughter..."

    Indeed not! And I suspect they never will be.

    "Responsibility is like water. It tends to end up at the lowest possible level."

    Spot on.

    "But, but ... any woman can restrain any man (easily and stylishly, whilst wearing heels). I know this because it's in every film, TV show, piece of fiction, and because every woman believes it should be so."

    Gosh, it's almost as if there's some ... direction ... behind it?
