Monday 23 January 2023

Ooh, I Love These Articles!


A dishwasher expert has revealed the five things you should never do if you want 'properly' clean plates and a machine that doesn't break after a year or two.

My dishwasher is 20+ years old and still going strong, so I must be doing something right! 

Ashley says you shouldn't bother putting the tablet in the dishwasher dispenser as it is 'completely pointless'. He said the dishes will be washed just as well by throwing the tablet in the bottom of the machine.

Check! Used to faithfully add them to the compartment, but saw this advice somewhere else about 6 years ago and stopped. Made no difference! 

'By all means, scrape your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, but there's no need to rinse – it won't make your dishes any cleaner and it'll just use more water,' Ashley advised. 'Plus, by rinsing your plates clean before washing, you're showing a complete lack of faith in your dishwasher's ability to do the one job you paid all that money for it to do.'

Check! Well, I wouldn't want it to get a complex, or anything... 

Ashley also warned that closing the dishwasher between washes is dangerous. It doesn't give the seals a chance to dry out, which gives mould and bad smells a chance to take hold.

Oooh, I do leave it ajar after a run, to cool down, but otherwise shut it. Will take this on board though. 

Washing a half empty dishwasher is inefficient for several reasons. Ashley warned that you will waste money, water and energy as your dishwasher will use around the same amount of electricity and water regardless of how full it is.

Pft! If I'm running the dishwasher it's because it's full! Who runs it half-empty? 

The expert's final tip is to never put sharp knives in the dishwasher if you don't want to damage them.

Check! I'm doing OK. 


  1. Off topic, a little cat told me there’s a birthday girl today! 🤦‍♀️

  2. Would that be a birthday of a long-fanged feline, perhaps??
    Now, on topic, my wife and I have a 75 year-old dishwasher. Still serviceable, still functioning and still reliable. Me.

  3. You're supposed to 'wash' them? Well that explains why I can't find the kitchen sink. I jest!

    Call me weird (everyone else does) but I always found 'manually' washing 'therapeutic'. A time of peaceful (as everyone else scurries to hide in case they get roped in) zen-like, no-thought required, harmony where the days complexity is ignored, replaced by the warm soapy certainty of something-I-can-achieve-perfection-in-without-someone-else-ruining-it-for-a-change.

    Just don't ask me about dusting.

  4. We've never had a dishwasher...

    Washing up after lunch is always a pleasant way to indulge in some more banter, let everything settle, enjoy a couple more glasses of wine and generally clear the air!

    Anyway, we don't have the space for one, we have two freezers instead!

  5. "Off topic, a little cat told me there’s a birthday girl today! 🤦‍♀️"

    😚 21 again! 😁

    "Now, on topic, my wife and I have a 75 year-old dishwasher. Still serviceable, still functioning and still reliable. Me."

    Oh, my dad loved washing up! Me, I'm 'meh' agout it. I prefer the appliance of science...

    "Call me weird (everyone else does) but I always found 'manually' washing 'therapeutic'."

    Not me! I reserve that for ironing...

    "Anyway, we don't have the space for one, we have two freezers instead!"

    Ooh, could really do with two freezers. But not prepared to sacrifice the dishwasher!
