Wednesday 22 February 2023

"Anna has shared a video of the dog in question sauntering away after the attack. "

It's the piece of shit dog owner that's doing the 'sauntering', ands yes, the dog is exactly the sort you'd imagine:
Anna added: "He was so shocked and couldn’t really walk. He tried to vomit and couldn’t do that, he wouldn’t drink any water either. We took him to the emergency vet and they did a scan and found really really bad internal bleeding. So they opened him up and did surgery, his stomach and his liver were both torn which they stitched up.
"He was in emergency care overnight though and just didn’t cope and his heart stopped. These type of bulldogs they need to be muzzled or they need to be on a lead and not anywhere near where kids are."

But sadly, no-one's listening, Anna. 

Anna has an appointment to report the attack to the police on Wednesday, February 22.

Pretty much a waste of time. In the States, they know how to deal with these incidents

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