Monday 27 February 2023

Not As Described, 'Guardian'...

Oh..? A terrible holiday accident, 'Guardian' headline writer? 

Fifty-nine people, including a newborn baby and other children, have died after a wooden sailing boat believed to be carrying refugees wrecked against rocks off the coast of Italy’s Calabria region.

Ah. Of course not.  

A Turkish national has been detained on suspicion of human trafficking, according to the Ansa news agency. The vessel is believed to have left Turkey four days ago with people from Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan onboard.

And what's the expected response to this attempt to breach countries' borders? 

As rescuers continued their search, Filippo Grandi, the UN high commissioner for refugees, called for European governments to “stop arguing” and “agree on just, effective, shared measures to avoid more tragedies”.

Well, of course. No doubt we should agree to leave our doors wide open to prevent burglars hurting themselves trying to break in... 


  1. The Italian Government spokesperson who I heard on the BBC whilst in the car last night who said that the only way to prevent these drownings was to stop the boats and turn them back just after they set off is one hundred percent correct in my view. Stopping the boats not only stops dubious illegal migrants from reaching Europe but also prevents deaths at sea like these.

  2. One can understand people trying to leave southern Turkey at this particular time, in a way that a desire to leave France is less understandable - although much as I like visiting France I personally have no wish to live there!

  3. Your analogy is as unfair as it is myopic. The unjustifiable Western aggression which created an exodus from these war-torn areas, is so feared by Russia that its continuance will ensure there won't be a house left standing in Europe, to burgle.

  4. " one hundred percent correct in my view. "

    Well, quite! The way to deter known shoplifters is by prevent access to the shop in the first place, why is this any different?

    "One can understand people trying to leave southern Turkey at this particular time..."

    Because of the earthquake?

    "The unjustifiable Western aggression which created an exodus from these war-torn areas..."

    Why is it always the fault of the west?
