Monday 6 February 2023

'Refugees Welcome'...

Say no more.


  1. Diversity where is thy sting?

  2. Maybe a very public hanging would be the answer to encourage the others rather than free public housing and care. I also thing something needs to be done with all the NGOs that are helping them when they get here, maybe imposing a charge of say £100,000 for each one they help would make them think about what they are doing as would having the boat people living with them.

  3. " ivan said...
    ... I also thing something needs to be done with all the NGOs that are helping them when they get here ..."

    I'd favour a "very public hanging" for them too.

  4. "Diversity where is thy sting?"

    In Knowsley, at least, they are finally stinging back.

    "I also thing something needs to be done with all the NGOs that are helping them when they get here..."

    They are like weeds - close one and two more would spring up. Who else is going to employ all those graduates?
