Saturday 25 February 2023

Surely Now Enough Will Be Enough..?

There is no place for these things in a modern society:

Note that the owner only 'may' face charges. And once again, it was left to animal control to try to catch these things alive. Why did armed cops not turn up and deal with the problem animals then and there?

'As they rounded the corner they could see a man being dragged by a dog. He was completely bloodied before they got out of the truck,' San Antonio Fire Chief Charles Hood said at the scene.
'This is not something that is normal for us. We don't normally have to defend patients from animals or ourselves. The firefighters in this instance were very heroic fighting off these pit bulls with pickaxes and pipes to try and get to the patients,' Hood said.
If someone doesn't get a grip on the pitbull issue soon, it will become normal...

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