Friday 24 March 2023

Pointless Deploying The 'He's Just Being Friendly' Lie...

 ...when we've all seen the video. But then that's typical of the owners of these things. It's a toss up who has the higher IQ:

The owner of an out-of-control dog that attacked a police horse and left it with multiple injuries has insisted his pet is 'friendly' and was just 'intimidated' by the larger animal.
The chaotic scenes saw officers screaming for the dog to be put on a lead as members of the public intervened, with one man using a long stick to try to get the animal away from Urbane.

Which upset the owner. Yes, unbelievably. 

...owner Hakan Niyazi, who is in his twenties, said his pet Coco was intimidated and felt threatened, telling the Sun: 'She's so friendly. With any human she's so good. I don't know why it happened.' He also accused the have-a-go-hero witness who used a long stick to keep the dog at bay of being 'rude', adding: 'I was so angry at the time. He said I didn't do nothing. I tried.
'I reciprocate energy. If you're rude to me I will be rude back to you. He was angry. He was swearing, being rude. I was trying my hardest.'

Oh, please! Everyone who can see that video (and that's the whole connected world) can see you standing there doing nothing. Why do these people lie so incompetently? 

A sign in the window of the brother's ground floor flat, which backs on to the Hertford Union Canal, warns passers-by: 'Beware. Wild animal Inside.
Maybe it refers to the owner and his equally deadbeat brother?
A Metropolitan Police spokesman said: 'On Wednesday 22 March a dog was seized in Victoria Park, Tower Hamlets, after it attacked a police horse.
'The horse required stitches and is expected to return to duty following its recovery.
'The dog remains in police kennels and officers are in contact with its owner.
'No arrests have been made. Enquiries continue.'

What more enquiries are needed? Maybe if you'd acted on previous reports about this animal, you wouldn't have an injured horse right now. But then, that's happened before, hasn't it?

H/T: DAD via email 


  1. It says a great deal when a dog attacks the police themselves, and they still won't do anything

  2. On one level, this is a minor sign of assimilation when Mohammedans overcome the idea that dogs are unclean. This guy has taken a step towards becoming a standard British underclass tw@.

  3. @Bucko: "Protected species"?

  4. "It says a great deal when a dog attacks the police themselves, and they still won't do anything"

    Well, quite!

    "On one level, this is a minor sign of assimilation when Mohammedans overcome the idea that dogs are unclean. This guy has taken a step towards becoming a standard British underclass tw@."

    Heh! Good point.

    "@Bucko: "Protected species"?"

    I suspect that, plus the fact that they've probably had other complaints about him (according to Facebook, anyway) and they won't want attention drawn to it...
