Friday 10 March 2023

Surely You Should Have Known This Would Happen..?

Her dramatic intervention caught royal officials by surprise because they believed the matter had been dealt with after she accepted a personal 'sincere apology' from Lady Susan following last November's incident at a palace reception.

Haven't they been paying any attention? It's never over with thrse race grifters... 

Ms Fulani also announced on GMB today she was temporarily stepping down as boss of Sistah Space, which helps woman affected by abuse, citing abuse by trolls and saying 'violence' had been directed towards her since the incident.

'Violence', eh..? I think you meant the disinfectant of sunlight, didn't you? 


  1. The balance has shifted. No longer are people cowering at these people but they are now venting their feelings and these people do not like to get what they dish out.

    Now even the easy targets, like this Lady, may bend over faster than a politician looking for votes but others are now standing up to them in their stead. There are few easy targets now outside their own group.

    Fuck her she deserves everything she gets. Live by the poisoned pen and die by it.

  2. I’m sorry but your race card has expired

  3. Grifters gonna grift.

  4. "The balance has shifted. No longer are people cowering at these people but they are now venting their feelings and these people do not like to get what they dish out."

    Sadly, the people that ARE still cowering often hold all the cards...

    "I’m sorry but your race card has expired"

    It needs to be declined!

    "Grifters gonna grift."

    Well, unless she changes her name again, I'll be watching for her next scam...
