Wednesday 1 March 2023

There's A Simple Answer, Isn't There?

A Jamaican used the 'right to family life' to dodge deportation before going on to commit murder, it can be revealed today.
He claimed it would breach his rights to be separated from his UK-based family, including son Nico...


...who went on to be convicted alongside his father of a horrific knife murder.
So deport both of them! Then they can stay together, can't they?
An open letter campaigning against the Jamaica flight was signed by supermodel Naomi Campbell, actress Thandiwe Newton and broadcaster and historian Professor David Olusoga
And I wouldn't care too much if all these blood-on-their-hands slebs joined them on the flight out of the UK...


  1. There is one mitigating factor - the colour of the 'victim' ...

  2. I guess their victim did not have the right to family life? Not a lot of family life when you are dead. (I can't work out who has the right to family life and who doesn't. Can anyone explain?)

  3. All signatories including the 71 MPs should be charged as accumplices to the murder

  4. Usual suspects, usual snowflakes. Why are we surprised?
    The media should be doorstepping these celebrities asking for a quote regarding this crime but they never do do they?

  5. Not sure how anybody would know who'd signed as all these three could manage is "X"

  6. I think that it would be useful to have a list of the signatories

  7. There's a simple answer to this 'demand' for family life, and that's to deport the family too. If they don't want to go, it shows their family life was shit in the first place. And, while we're at it, can we also deport the whinging numpties who stopped it in the first place?

  8. "There is one mitigating factor - the colour of the 'victim' ..."

    Oh, yes, this is undoubtedly a case of 'NHI'...

    "I guess their victim did not have the right to family life?"

    Good point, though we didn't get much about them in the reports, I doubt there was too much difference between them...

    "The media should be doorstepping these celebrities..."

    Should be. Won't be. And we know why.
