Thursday 16 March 2023

Well, Of Course It Is, Anthony...

A ‘wicked’ school business manager who caused children’s education to suffer when she stole over £119,000 has...

Been given a swinging sentence, pour encourager les autres

Oh, wait, I'm dreaming again.

...kept her freedom.

*deep sigh* 

Mr Recorder Anthony Kelbrick told her: ‘There is no doubt that your actions, over a long, long time, putting it simply, were wicked.
‘I accept now you are genuinely remorseful but that may, of course, be because of where you now find yourself.’

Then it's not genuine, is it? 

The judge said despite the seriousness of the offence, he was persuaded that Anderson was capable of rehabilitation and sentenced her to two years imprisonment, suspended for two years, with rehabilitation requirements and a four month curfew.

What's the point of a curfew? 

H/T: David Bain via email


  1. So she gets to keep the money? I'd do two years suspended with a curfew, for that kind of cash
    (Can't read the article because of adblocker)

  2. What's the point of a curfew?

    So she can't go swimming?

  3. One of the great advantages of stealing the money and then getting to keep it is that you don't have to pay income tax or NI on it, so it's a lot more than if you actually earned it. Makes you wonder if any of it went into the back pocket of someone, under their robes if they are wearing trousers, that is.

  4. "So she gets to keep the money?"

    The confiscation process is usually seperate and after conviction. I hope.

    "So she can't go swimming?"


    "Makes you wonder if any of it went into the back pocket of someone, under their robes if they are wearing trousers, that is."

    Well, indeed!

    "Dog don't eat dog."

    That's not what my 'dangerous dogs' blogtag says!
