Tuesday 14 March 2023

Why We Are Failing As A Nation...

Raymond Joseph Bryce said he had been discriminated against after he told bosses his dyslexia meant he 'would be late for his own funeral'.
He said his condition meant he was 'disorganised' and that he often misread his alarm clock in the morning. Mr Bryce insisted he would always be late and asked his managers for 'leeway' in turning up 15 or 20 minutes late, but after a string of incidents they instead abruptly stopped offering him shifts.
The security guard, from Stafford, West Midlands, accused them of discrimination and a failure to make reasonable adjustments for his disability.

He hasn't got a hope in he...


Mr Bryce's claims have now been upheld by an employment tribunal in Nottingham, which concluded his dyslexia made it 'difficult' for him to wake up early, plan ahead, and read the time. He is now in line for compensation.

I'd say this was beyond belief, but these days, is it? Really? 

Mr Bryce explained his dyslexia meant he often reads the numbers wrong on his digital alarm clock, and resultantly believes he has more time.

What a pile of round objects! Get an Echo, man! Alexa will tell you the time, no excuses! Who on earth could fall for this? 

The panel, led by employment judge Rachel Broughton, ruled in favour of his claim of discrimination arising from a disability.

*sighs* Say no more... 


  1. Now sit back and watch all the pupils who arrive late for school and blame it on their dyslexia...

  2. Will this case make it easier or more difficult for other sufferers to get a job?

  3. Good Lord! His inability to read an alarm clock does not make it go off at different times

  4. Surely that by mis-reading the digits on the alarm clock then he would also be EARLY for work roughly 50% of the time?

  5. Call me 'obtuse' if you want but (knowing a couple of people with dyslexia, who 'do' have issues with transposition, more letters than numbers though, who did the obvious) why doesn't someone, anyone, suggest ... a normal (non-digital) clock. Or is that too much common sense?

    You are aware that 'employment tribunals' are simply means for favoured groups to 'stick it' to the unfavoured ones, right? Evidence, facts and basic common sense are secondary to the 'woke message of the day' (and graft of course).

  6. "Now sit back and watch all the pupils who arrive late for school and blame it on their dyslexia..."

    Yup! 😣

    "Will this case make it easier or more difficult for other sufferers to get a job?"

    I think we can all guess!

    "His inability to read an alarm clock does not make it go off at different times"

    Well, quite! It seems employment tribunal judges will swallow anything...

    "...then he would also be EARLY for work roughly 50% of the time?"

    You might think that. I couldn't possibly comment 😏

    "...why doesn't someone, anyone, suggest ... a normal (non-digital) clock. Or is that too much common sense?"

    We don't allow common sense here.
