Wednesday 22 March 2023

Will They Never Learn..?

Wait, what..?


H/T: Ian J via email


  1. Anyone buying a newbuild in this sort of area will find insurance expensive. Of course, that might not matter for "social housing" and housing owned by local authorities.

  2. The UN has excelled itself over the past week. First Climate Doom MkVI telling us that Biblical storms are going to erase humanity. And yesterday, a UN conference on water tells us that there isn't enough of the stuff and we're all going to die of thirst.
    (Unless our Government doesn't tax us to oblivion first.)

  3. Clearly they have learned ... that if they cause homes to be flooded, they can blame climate change and use that as the excuse to take away everyone's rights.

  4. "Anyone buying a newbuild in this sort of area will find insurance expensive."

    And after the first flood, impossible to renew!

    "The UN has excelled itself over the past week."

    You almost have to admire their 'work' ethic, don't you?

    "Clearly they have learned ... that if they cause homes to be flooded, they can blame climate change and use that as the excuse to take away everyone's rights."

    Good point!
