Friday 17 March 2023

You're Wasting Your Time, Sadly...

Most of the claims about trophy hunting put out by animal rights activists are wrong, MPs have been warned ahead of a key vote today.
Conservationists say that in the last Commons debate nearly three-quarters of statements in favour of a blanket ban were questionable. They are battling to correct the ‘simplistic’ narrative championed by celebrities.

Sadly, simplistic narratives are all these virtue-signalling idiots can ever grasp. Actual facts elude them constantly, which is why we are being dragooned into nonsense like OLEZ expansions, '15 minute cities' and Net Zero. 

They, along with African leaders and grassroots groups, have called on Britain to allow certain trophies to be imported if it is proven the animals were hunted ethically. They argue that total bans are unsuccessful because they destroy the incentive for farmers to keep big game on their land and earn money from hunters.
Revenues from selective hunting keep locals in jobs and also help pay for patrols against poachers, the real enemy of conservation.

None of that matters to the idiots that are in sway to the slebs and activists. Some are genuinely animal lovers, some are rabid authoritarians and the rest are...well, simply dim. 

Professor Dickman warned: ‘Many thousands of wild animals will die in appalling and indiscriminate ways – far more than are killed in trophy hunting.
'True, we will no longer see the grinning faces of rich white hunters celebrating their kills.
‘Instead, we will see the grinning faces of rich white celebrities celebrating a “win” that drives more killing.’

Sadly, Prof, the idiots in power see that as an acceptable result. It's not about the animals at all. It often isn't for the slebs and activists, and it almost never is for the MPs... 


  1. Frankly anyone who derives pleasure from shooting some of the large game is a complete and utter scumbag...

    However, I saw a picture a while back of a grinning woman next to a giraffe and you can't help but be angry. When you look into the story it's not that clear cut.

    In this case the old male giraffe was threatened by the new animals in the herd and had so far killed all the last 3 born, so the decision was made it needed to be killed to enable the herd to survive. The right to do so was sold to a hunter, so the herd can grow in number, money is raised for further conservation, and the hunter gets their prize. (The alternative is the rangers shoot it, same result, no money)

    It doesn't change my feelings about the hunter, but it's the best result.

  2. Some people think it's a shame that Gary Linecker is classed as an endangered species, so no trophy hunting there then.

  3. To see "Africa" and "ethically" in the same sentence? Well April 1st is not that far away.

  4. "Frankly anyone who derives pleasure from shooting some of the large game is a complete and utter scumbag..."

    Because they derive pleasure from it? That's very Puritan of you.

    "Some people think it's a shame that Gary Linecker is classed as an endangered species..."

    In my book, he's vermin. No close season, all bag limits suspended.

    "To see "Africa" and "ethically" in the same sentence? Well April 1st is not that far away."

    Sadly true, and yet those MPs who voted for it are incapable of seeing the reality on the ground.
