Sunday 23 April 2023

And Every Bit As Disgusting!

Not to mention, hard to swallow.


  1. Sacrilege! Maligning our national dish like that! I'll match my haggis against the gems of Yorkshire cuisine any day - cow heel pie, tripe, baked udder, pigs' feet . . .

  2. ...and a Great Day to consider our disgust.

  3. Haggis is a moist bigger version of faggot.
    Black pudding is haggis with added blood.
    Haggis is eaten with neeps and tatties. This makes haggis taste better.
    To prepare the palate for the treat to come the entree is cullen skink or cock a leekie.
    Then as a reward for finishing, the pudding is cranachan or clootie dumplin.
    Oh, haud me back.
    By the way, 'n' that, pig trotters are good. Just about anything from a pig is good.
    Lang may yer lum reek.

  4. "...cow heel pie, tripe, baked udder, pigs' feet . . ."

    The difference is that people used to eat such things because they had little money and those things were cheap. Nobody eats that stuff nowadays.

  5. There's nothing to beat stalking the wild haggis across the moors!

  6. Pork pies are usually filled with a diverse selection of offal, including pigs lungs...

    They still taste great with a lot of pepper and accompanied by a pint of real ale!

  7. "...cow heel pie, tripe, baked udder, pigs' feet . . ."


    "Then as a reward for finishing, the pudding is cranachan or clootie dumplin."

    Oats for dessert? *shudders*

    "Nobody eats that stuff nowadays."

    Unless they are paying through the nose in a fancy restaurant that has been declared 'the in place to eat, dahling!' of course...

    "They still taste great with a lot of pepper and accompanied by a pint of real ale!"

    Doesn't the pepper disguise the ta...

    Oh. Right.
