Monday 8 May 2023

And It's Not Just The Vegans!


Thousands of people in Brighton and Hove do not have access to food that is healthy or culturally appropriate.

What, they are barred from shops? There aren't shops in Brighton and Hove selling bushmeat? What's this all about? 

Andrew Forsey, national director of Feeding Britain, said Prime Minister Rishi Sunak must publish a strategy to ensure people can afford and access healthy food.

Aha! Of course. It's another demand to feed people out of my pocket again... 

He said that food clubs in Feeding Britain's network "have never seen so many people", including working families, seeking help with food. The Trussell Trust revealed more people in UK used food banks in the six months to September than ever before, with some 1.3 million food parcels handed out, an increase of one third on the same period the previous year.

Hand out free stuff and people demand more of it! Who knew? 


  1. Is it just me or is there a certain rotundity prevalent in the community of UK welfare recipients?

    I don't think "Access to food" is the problem (culturally appropriate or otherwise), I think the problem is too much sitting around all day watching TV because their averse to work and the UK Government is too concerned about being called "Racist" to call them out on their bullshit.

  2. Food banks are strange things.
    They exist because people donate food to be distributed amongst the "poor".
    But the donation cannot be fresh food.
    It has to be canned or dry stuff packaged.
    The donor is using taxed income to buy this processed food.
    Many of the donations are taxed also.
    So government wins in many ways.
    It absolves itself of having to enable "the poor" to buy healthy fresh food.
    It collects tax on the earnings that donors use to buy the donations, and
    Much of the processed donated food is taxed again.

  3. We have a food bank type thing (but with a friendlier name) in Somerset. One of the things that the organisation as learnt is that some of the recipients have to be taught how to cook pasta!
    Ingnoring the fact that packets of pasta usually have a "how to cook" message on them. . . . . .

  4. Culturally appropriate? My fries have dreadlocks and this burger has a tea cosy on its head?

  5. "Is it just me or is there a certain rotundity prevalent in the community of UK welfare recipients?"

    Only surpassed by PCSOs and security guards in shopping centres!

    "Much of the processed donated food is taxed again."

    And much of it is stuff I wouldn't feed a dog...

    "Ingnoring the fact that packets of pasta usually have a "how to cook" message on them. . . . . ."

    But what language is it written in? 😏

    "Culturally appropriate? My fries have dreadlocks and this burger has a tea cosy on its head?"


  6. It just HAD to be from a brain-rotted denizen of what the student-ridden, bastion of arseholery and Leftist holier-than-thou "green" crapitude, Brighton, aka Islington-in-exile, better known as Fuckwit-On-Sea has become.
