Friday 28 April 2023

Of Course It Is...

Government officials warned it was 'open season on ministers' last night as Health Secretary Steve Barclay became the latest senior politician to face bullying allegations. He was accused of 'bad behaviour' towards staff in the Department of Health and Social Care since being appointed last summer.
But allies and ex-colleagues of Mr Barclay denied the allegations and suggested civil servants may now feel 'emboldened' to 'go after' ministers they did not like.

Well, yes. If Sunak and Raab had stuck to their guns and showed a bit of backbone, they'd have had no choice but to back down. Or quit. 

Either way, win/win for the government. 

Sources told The Guardian that Mr Barclay – a former Government whip and Brexit Secretary – was 'constantly angry' and had 'blasted' staff, who in turn found him 'quite challenging'.

Boo hoo hoo! Toughen up, then. 'Challenging' should be in the job description at that level. 

Of course, we all know what's really driving this, don't we? 


  1. Me Too for Politicians. How appropriate that they get what we get.

    To be honest I think I'll raise a complaint about being bullied into silence by all the new legislation being rolled out. The more they deal with this the less time they have to screw us over.

  2. "If Sunak and Raab had [...] showed a bit of backbone,"

    Actual LOL!

  3. I have one for tomorrow on Ms Kemi too. They're all at it.

  4. "Me Too for Politicians. How appropriate that they get what we get."

    It is rather delicious, isn't it?

    "I have one for tomorrow on Ms Kemi too. They're all at it."

    Yes, I saw. Had high hopes for her. *sighs*
