Friday 21 April 2023

'Sorry' Seems To Be The Hardest Word...

No, wait, the hardest words are clearly 'We were wrong':
Brighton and Hove has been infested with weeds since the council banned the use of glyphosate - an active ingredient in most weedkillers and herbicides - in 2019. Pavements, streets, walls and drains have been overrun by unwanted plants, causing anger among residents.
Last year the authority blamed Brexit for the infestation saying they were having difficulty recruiting staff and ordering equipment.

And when that didn't fly (and who really thought it would?)... 

But now the eco-conscious council has been slammed after asking taxpayers to become volunteer 'weed warriors' - instead of employing people to do the job.
Residents, who have experienced one of the highest council tax rises in the UK, have lashed out at 'council madness'. They are furious they are being asked to carry out basic tasks supposed to be covered by their council tax.

Well, quite! Have you considered not paying it, en masse, instead? 

...resident, Dean Redmond, said: 'Wheelchair users, the partially-sighted and those who are elderly are rightly up in arms about the council's failure to maintain the pavements and roads.
'It is discriminatory and wrong and the Greens need to start paying attention to what people actually want.'
They don't care what people want, because they've realised that waving a Green flag allows them to put in place any mad counter-productive scheme they want...


  1. Based on the photos, I'd say that the residents are equally to blame for some of the problems.

  2. Sounds like the perfect 'job' for layabouts ordered to do a few hundred hours of 'public service'...

  3. Brighton is infested with .... I would never have guessed that the word was 'weeds'!

  4. It would really be a shame if the council offices, and the home addresses of the anti weed killer councillors, suddenly found weeds all over the place (any budding Titchmarshes out there?).
    Yet another reason why anyone with a modicum of intelligence would stay away from this place.

  5. "Based on the photos, I'd say that the residents are equally to blame for some of the problems."

    I'd say 'mostly', after all, who else votes these morons in?

    "Sounds like the perfect 'job' for layabouts ordered to do a few hundred hours of 'public service'..."

    It does, doesn't it?

    "...I would never have guessed that the word was 'weeds'!"


    "Yet another reason why anyone with a modicum of intelligence would stay away from this place."

    It used to be a lovely place. But now we can see what voting Green gets you!
