Tuesday 25 April 2023

Then Increase The Sentence...

...until he tells you who the others are.

While the schoolboy was caught when he walked into a cafe, the three other male suspects are still at large.

How lucky the cops were in the same cafe stuffing their faces, eh? 

On Thursday 16 March the defendant, who is now 17 but cannot be named due to a court order, appeared at Croydon Youth Court, where he admitted two counts of moped-enabled robbery, one count of attempted robbery and possession of criminal property.
And following a hearing, at Wimbledon Youth Court on Tuesday 18 April, he was jailed for six months, plus six months on licence once he is released. He pleaded guilty to two counts of moped-enabled robbery, one count of attempted robbery and possession of criminal property at Croydon Youth Court on March 16.
Detective Constable Ian Croxford, from the Met Police's Operation Venice team that led the investigation, said it was lucky the victims were not more seriously hurt.

Then perhaps the Tories (Ha! I jest! As if we had any...) should look at ensuring a failure to name your fellow criminals drew an automatic sentence increase? 


  1. He, or one of his moronic mates, had a machete. Do none of the Police know the definitions of robbery, going equipped, threats to kill, or aiding and abetting? This little(?) toerag should have gone down for at least 5 years. As it is, he'll be out in weeks as his custodial sentence will be halved for "good behaviour" as soon as the prison van goes through the gates.
    Can't we dig up Judge Jefferys and put him back on the Bench?

  2. "Do none of the Police know the definitions of robbery, going equipped, threats to kill, or aiding and abetting?"

    Probably do (unless they are graduates!) but I expect the CPS fancied an easier ride.
