Saturday 13 May 2023

A Fool And Their Money...

The boom in home bartending means more and more of us happily sip cocktails in our sitting rooms. But getting them right takes expertise.

Well, yes, or opening a can of the delicious pre-mixed cocktails from Moth

So, would you entrust the drinks at your Coronation party to a device that claims to make perfect cocktails at the push of a button?

Not for £300, I wouldn't! 

The 'Bartesian', created by Canadian bartender Ryan Close, looks like a coffee machine, but uses capsules containing the ingredients for your favourite cocktails such as bitters, extracts and juice concentrates (but not the spirits).

So you've got to mess around buying capsules for the damned thing and then adding your own spirits too? What, exactly, does the thing do?  

I pop the capsule in and the display tells me to place a shaker with ice under the dispenser.
The machine buzzes for about 15 seconds. Then the display tells me to shake and pour.

It doesn't even shake for you! Who on earth would buy this? 


  1. The same scam as the printers and cartridges (coffee makers too?), cheap ink cartridges won't work. Buy this useless appliance and you are giving the makers a lifetime income.

  2. We are free to ignore all obvious commercial scams and there have always been plenty of those. My outrage is reserved to government 'service' scams where there is no choice whatsoever. The £Trillions squandered on corrupt and lazy public services only threaten this country with financial and moral bankruptcy.

  3. It's becoming obvious that you reached your cognitive peak ten years ago, JuliaM. Getting a tad boring now, dear!

    1. Yet you continue to come here and give us the benefit of your incredible wisdom. If you don't like the posts here why not go and start your own blog?

  4. That must be the crappiest kitchen gadget ever

  5. "The same scam as the printers and cartridges (coffee makers too?)..."

    Oh, yes, definitely!

    "My outrage is reserved to government 'service' scams where there is no choice whatsoever."

    Good point. There's an even greater variety of those, too...

    "That must be the crappiest kitchen gadget ever"

    Let me rummage in my kitchen cupboards, I'm sure I have a few that would give it a run for its money!

    "If you don't like the posts here why not go and start your own blog?"

    I'd link to that! 😉
