Wednesday 3 May 2023

If It's 'A Gift', Can It Be Returned..?

In a tribute to their daughter on Friday, Caitlyn's parents said she was 'gifted with autism' and 'had a particular passion for the theatre, arts, music and the environment'.

Some 'gift' that makes you kill yourself over being held to account for a transgression... 

She took her own life the next day, just hours before she had been due to receive a two-hour punishment known as a 'headmistress's detention'.
The teenager, who was set to take her GCSEs soon, had been reprimanded after vodka and a tattoo kit had been found in her locker before the school holidays.
Mr Scott-Lee, 41, who has two younger daughters, said: 'She was mortified to receive a detention.
'To some of us, it is a badge of honour, sitting in a room for two hours to work. '

I think that comment sums up the parenting skills in play here. 

Mr Scott-Lee is speaking out about his daughter to raise awareness around the needs of one in three children, who, like his late daughter, are neurodiverse.
He explained that Autistic people (Ed: we're capitalising this now too?), including himself and his daughter, 'tend to think of the world in binary terms — it can be difficult [for them] to differentiate between two extremes.'
Mr Scott-Lee, a senior executive at the banking giant HSBC, has called on Rishi Sunak to help open up a national conversation, encouraging high-performing schools like Wycombe to better support neurodiverse pupils.

What the hell has it got to do with the Prime Minister..?!? 


  1. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

  2. Sad that she died but the punishment actually seems rather lenient for the offence. Maybe not a good idea to send someone with severe autism (and it does seem to be at that end of the scale) away from home to a boarding school.

  3. The girl was 16. How did she get the vodka and tattoo kit? Did she know the difference between right and wrong, did her parents instill a sense of responsibility in her, or did she think her privileged childhood exempted her from playing by the rules? A sad, needless, waste of a young life. Also, her father claims to be autistic himself, yet holds a senior position at HSBC. People with an account at the Honkers and Shankers may wish to move their money.

  4. I'm getting to the stage where I'm just shrugging and saying what an overreaction. Most would just rant and rave but she was so dumb that she drove down a cul de sac there was no coming back from.

    why didn't she discuss this with her parents who clearly give her the benefit of the doubt.

  5. "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime."


    "...but the punishment actually seems rather lenient for the offence."

    Yes, I can imagine she was cut a lot of slack. But no amount would be enough.

    "The girl was 16. How did she get the vodka and tattoo kit? "

    No-one seems to be asking that salient question, do they?

    "I'm getting to the stage where I'm just shrugging and saying what an overreaction."

    Yup, my Give-A-Fuck-Ometer has worn itself out...

  6. Ah yes "autism" together with the over-diagnosed fashionable "syndrome" ADHD and the "gender" nonsense now spreading like a plague through what is laughingly called our "education " establishment.
    The reality is a complete negation of the concept of discipline both parental and school. Add in the removal of any notion of personal responsibility and consequences of actions, where nothing must be "negative", only "positive" and no surprise that we have now, at least two generations of dysfunctional, spoiled, I-know-my-rights, fragile, narcissists.
    The Marxist infested daytime sexual grooming units masquerading as schools and the Univershitty Halls of Knackerdemia have been well and truly hollowed out.
    The result is visible at every "protest", the whining, loook-at-me-meeeee-MEEEEE, coloured-haired snot-hanger-nose-ringed fragile unemployables, snowflakes, totally unsuited to normal existence. You only have to look, especially at our "public" sectors, where they thing we are there to service their needs as opposed to the other way around.
    By exploring our innate selfishness, the long march of the Left has been highly successful in bringing the West to its knees. Enjoy what little normality you have left while you can.
