Tuesday 30 May 2023

Is It Really 'Shocking' By Now?

Another one:
A Metropolitan Police officer has been sacked without notice after being convicted of sexually assaulting a child at a party.
In another shocking case involving a serving police officer, the Met said a misconduct hearing found PC Farhan Ghadiali had breached the standards of professional behaviour in relation to discreditable conduct.
No reference to being a 'poster boy' with this one though.


  1. It doesn't seem to be getting any better. This is from 2019.

  2. When I joined the Police many years ago,I was positively vetted and all my references were checked. At interview they reminded me of things I had been involved in that I had long forgotten about.Does no one check any more?

  3. My London is a rich seam of reports of criminal behaviour by officers of the Metropolitan Police in the past week.
    This one was a Detective Inspector.
    Met Police officer sacked after taking drugs at parties and refusing to report a man who was exchanging drugs for sex
    Met Police officer jailed for sex attack on a child at an Essex party
    Former Met Police officer accused of raping woman five times granted bail
    Keep up the good work Mr Rowley, you have hundreds more to root out.

  4. "It doesn't seem to be getting any better. This is from 2019."

    That's a long time to have rotten apples mouldering in the barrel...

    "Does no one check any more?"

    It's probably against their human rights...

    "This one was a Detective Inspector."

