Monday 15 May 2023

It's FAFO Time Again!

Police in upstate New York fatally shot a woman dead inside of her home...

Typical trigger happy Noo Yawk cops, just shooting anyone who looks at 'em funny... 

...after she pulled a knife on them in April 2022, newly released video shows.


When the officers tackle Feith, she eventually manages to wrangle free. At that point, a stun gun is deployed which does not subdue her. A voice can be heard saying: 'Shoot her,' Kemlage then fires twice.

Don't bring a knife to a gunfight. Should have listened to Jim Malone! 

The shooting remains under investigation by New York Attorney General Letitia James.

Doubt even the wokest DA could charge them, but who really knows


  1. Having seen the uncensored video on Kaotic, the woman is clearly off her head on something or just plain crazy. Instead of being in a secure unit at a mental hospital here she was out in the community.

    I have little tolerance for the trigger happy American cops, but when a crazy woman with a knife attacks you and a deployed taser doesn't subdue her then shooting her was the only option left.

    Far too easy to get fatal wounds from a knife, even one inexpertly deployed. Even with body armour.

  2. "Instead of being in a secure unit at a mental hospital here she was out in the community."

    There's been so many cases like that. But whether drugs or mental illness (or both) the cops had no choice, as you say.
