Wednesday 31 May 2023

It's Just A Lunatic Asylum By The Sea, Isn't It?

...a vigil will be held outside Brighton Police Station in John Street at the start of next month.

Oh, what's this for? What have Brighton Police done..?  

There will be a vigil in the city to commemorate two dogs which were killed by the Met Police. The two animals were shot dead by specialist firearms officers in Poplar, east London earlier this month.


Amanda Ridgway, who organised the vigil, told The Argus: "This incident is really shocking and has upset people across the nation."

The only 'shocking' thing about it is the police finally taking no chances and acting as they should have acted in so many other cases... 

"The vigil will be peaceful and in remembrance of the dogs. It will give the people of Brighton an opportunity to grieve."
The incoming Mayor of Brighton and Hove will be in attendance.
There will be candle lighting, a minute's silence and speeches.
Ms Ridgway said she thought at least 200 people would be there.

Do we have 200 places in mental health facilities for them? Oh, wait, make that 201 - the incoming Mayor needs a place too. 


  1. "This comes as more than a million people have signed a petition to hold the Met Police "criminally accountable" for shooting the dogs. "

    There's not enough assylums in the country

  2. We are a nation of dog lovers after all.So much so that the vagrant who owned these two mutts was on a ban from owning dogs and ignored it.

  3. Is this part of a new tradition of having joke stories on 31st May instead of 1st April?

  4. "There's not enough assylums in the country"

    We need these more than we need more Barratt-style rabbit hutches!

    "So much so that the vagrant who owned these two mutts was on a ban from owning dogs and ignored it."

    That gets forgotten in every tear-drenched Facebook comment I read. And he's even pleaded guilty already to it!

    "Is this part of a new tradition of having joke stories on 31st May instead of 1st April?"

    At this rate, we're going to have to abolish the old tradition entirely!
