Tuesday 16 May 2023

Maybe They Aren't 'Losing Out' At All?

Maybe they are smart enough to know a bad decision when they see one?
Tens of thousands of homes are missing out on government heat pump subsidies worth up to £6,000, as critics slam the scheme as a 'cash bung' for the rich.

Now, why would people turn down 'free' money from the government? It's a puzzle, isn't it, Reader? Unless, maybe, they read the newpapers...

The Government has set aside £150million to subsidise 30,000 homes and small businesses a year fitting heat pumps or biomass boilers. But the Government scheme is being underused, with just 8,584 heat pumps and 106 biomass boilers fitted between May 2022 and March 2023 - not even a third of its target.

Yup, we know.  

Meanwhile, the Boiler Upgrade Scheme has been slammed for giving the rich a tax break and discount for fitting heat pumps while poorer households lose out.

Or, win? 


  1. I jump to conclusions: the rich have more money than sense and heat pumps are in the same fantasy realm as electric cars.

  2. "I jump to conclusions: the rich have more money than sense and heat pumps are in the same fantasy realm as electric cars."

    Could be the case. But in which case, the government is flogging a very dead horse trying to get those not rich to go all in...
