Wednesday 24 May 2023

No, Actually, Because Of Their Own Actions...

The police should have said "Of course we were chasing the little toerags, it’s our bloody job to chase nuisance bikers, and they’d still be alive if they’d stopped, or maybe just been wearing helmets..."

But they forgot that it's the cover-up that does for you, always.

Witnesses are now blasting the 'lying' police force for 'bullying' local youths as residences (sic) warn the community has 'lost confidence in the police'.
The police probably didn't have any confidence in the so-called 'community' to lose by now...
'My nephew and his best mate are dead because they chased him on a little electric motorbike,' Kyrees' uncle told The Times.
Harvey's godmother, Bridy Bool, insisted the boys had done nothing to spark a police 'chase', adding: 'They were bare-faced innocent children.'

 Errr, yeah, if you say so...

If you can't tell someone's true character by the company they keep, you certainly can by who turns up to 'mourn':

Jane Palmer watched from a window as people set fire to her car, saying: 'I'm disabled so now I'm trapped without my car. Why are they doing this? It's just silly.'
Another resident alleged the riots were caused by 'lots of children' who were being 'encouraged' by adults.
'It was very scary,' one local told The Mirror. 'There was a lot of people. Lots of children, I was very surprised at how many children and how many adults encouraging them. They were throwing stuff at the police.'

You shouldn't have been surprised, though, should you? 


  1. It's always sad when children for in avoidable incidents, but are the correct questions being asked.
    They were children on an electric bike/scooter/motor bike. How did the kids get the bike? Did they steal it or were given it by a 'caring' parent?
    If the latter, did the parents know the kids were out on the bike, and why didn't they stop them?
    Did the Police van following them have blues or twos on? If not, they weren't chasing the kids, but possibly following them until they could bring them to a half safely.
    If they did have blues or twos on, why didn't the kids stop?
    Unless the driver or other officer in the Police van had contacted the control room about following the kids, then no one in authority would have known anything about it until the fateful crash (a lesson I learnt years ago is ALWAYS let the control room know about unusual incidents). Perhaps this was the reason for the first reports from the Police?
    What are the circumstances of their death? Was the Police follow a contributory factor or did the lack of road sense cause the kids to ride in front of a bus?
    Hopefully, all, or most, of this will come out in the coroner's inquest, but, in the meantime, that won't stop the zombies from finding an excuse to cause mayhem, criminal damage, and put other lives at risk.
    A sad story, where no one, except the bus driver, comes out of this well.

  2. I notice the picture released of the scrotes to the media was a few years ago before they turned into teenage scum.

  3. It may be an automatic response of intensive indoctrination yet as soon as 'there' mouths open, plod begin lying and begin the familiar process of stumbling and bumbling along. "There was no chase" maintained the Cardiff Filth at the outset. Amending that very dubious statement today, the South Wales police and crime commissioner has now conceded that officers JUST MAY have pursued two teenagers shortly before they were killed.

    Hopefully, this rag bag service will have cobbled a new version of the Truth just in time for the Coroner's hearing. Hopefully that will be as acceptable to the South Wales Taffy, as anything manufactured in Wales, can be.

    Alun Michael said on Wednesday that no police vehicles were on the road where the fatal crash happened and refused to say he was wrong to have initially claimed that no chase took place. Meanwhile, Cardiff supermarket shelves have been completely stripped of popcorn.

  4. Simple fact with all cases like these . Pull over when the police instruct you and you live . Drive away and sometimes you die.

  5. “they appeared scared of the vehicle, having 'panicked' and trying to flee after coming across it on the road.”
    (Daily Mail)

    “A relative of Harvey last night told The Times: 'If they [the police] see someone on a Sur-Ron [an e-bike brand], they think they are a drug dealer.”
    (The Times)

    “If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family Anatidae on our hands.”
    (Douglas Adams: Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency)

  6. Done nothing to spark a chase? They were riding an unlicensed, untaxed, uninsured motor vehicle on the public highway without wearing a legally approved helmet and holding a driving licence. That do for starters?


    Frankly, thank Darwin for doing his thing and thinning out the gene pool.

  7. "...but are the correct questions being asked.
    They were children on an electric bike/scooter/motor bike. How did the kids get the bike?"

    If only we had a class of people who would ask these questions? Or - on being told the parents bought it for them - would change their reporting...

    "I notice the picture released of the scrotes to the media was a few years ago before they turned into teenage scum."

    Of course! Too late, though, as the 'Mail' had already harvested their social media...

    "Alun Michael said on Wednesday that no police vehicles were on the road where the fatal crash happened ..."

    And that was correct. The van turned off down a road before the crash.

    "Douglas Adams: Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency"


    "Frankly, thank Darwin for doing his thing and thinning out the gene pool."

    Some would say 'Ah, but that's harsh, they are still young men'. Those people have never lived where these menaces operate.

  8. "And that was correct. The van turned off down a road before the crash."

    A blinkered reply, confined to the first segment of my sentence, was probably an age-related urge.
