Friday 5 May 2023

Prepare For The Fightback

Transgender pupils are to be banned from competing in PE lessons against pupils of the opposite biological sex, new government plans advise. The guidance, which is expected to be released within the next few weeks and will apply to all state and independent single-sex schools in England, aims to protect girls' safety and ensure fair competition in sport.

It's about time. And don't waste time and money on lawyers, either: 

The rule will not be in breach of the Equality Act because there are exemptions for competitive sport and schools are allowed to provide same-sex services if 'objectively justifiable'.

Of course, that will no doubt fall on deaf ears... 

The move came after school leaders and governors met with lawyers amid fears about discrimination claims from parents of transgender pupils if they refused to accommodate them.

Parents of transgender pupils are like owners of vegan cats. We all know this.


  1. I think the answer to that can best be summed up by the posts in Breitbart comments by 'That kid from Kindergarten Cop' -- Boys have a penis. Girls have a vagina.

  2. Being a rabid sexist, I believe that trans men, ie girls, should be forbidden to compete with the blokes. To avoid that #MeToo moment.
