Friday 12 May 2023

Tales From The Hinterlands...

*blinks* Really?
The reinstatement of Exmouth's renowned unconventional landmark The Rusty Pole is being called for after it was suddenly removed by South West Water (SWW). Over the years, a fondness has developed among both among locals and visitors for the protruding pole on The Mear.
However, it was removed on April 13 by the water company due to concerns raised by East Devon District Council over public safety. Its disappearance has sparked anger and there are now calls for it to be put back.

In a rather astonishing article, this was the undoubted kicker: 

The affection that The Rusty Pole has gained over the years has seen it become number seven on Tripadvisor's top things to see when visiting Exmouth.


H/T: Ian J via email


  1. follow up to earlier story:

    Exmouth's Rusty Pole twinning with Australia's Rusty Cross

  2. I love the eccentricity of Britain.
    But he careful what you wish for.
    The Cooncil will put it back.
    But it will be surrounded by an environmentally friendly rope barrier, special knobbley paving to alert the blind, sorry, visually impaired that they are about to bump into a hazard.
    There will be devices just above head height to block rash climbers.
    There will be a audio visual thingy describing this relict, what its purpose was and regretting the part it played in historical toxic white privilage. In many languages.
    Start a folklore that on every equinox and solstice the piskies come out and dance around it. But mortals watch this dance at their peril.

  3. Clicked the link. It is actually a rusty pole. Not sure what I expected...

  4. They wouldn't have been able to remove it if it had been listed, like these 3 sewer ventilation poles (also owned by South West Water) in East-the-Water

  5. Anonymous above, I don't think that installing a dormer right next to that outlet is a good idea. Unless it's West-the-Wind.

  6. "follow up to earlier story:"

    Brilliant! 😂

    "I love the eccentricity of Britain."

    Oh, me too, me too!

    "They wouldn't have been able to remove it if it had been listed, like these 3 sewer ventilation poles..."

