Tuesday 9 May 2023

The 'Perfect Role Model' Designation Is Becoming A Warning Sign...

A former hero policeman hailed as a role model and put in charge of teenage cadets after being injured tackling a crazed knifeman was today...

Oh oh

...unmasked as a predator who abused a string of youngsters.

And you won't believe what 'community' he hails from, Reader! 

Following his conviction, bosses at Greater Manchester Police issued a grovelling apology for what Ali's trial was told was 'inadequate oversight' by senior officers which helped him get away with his predatory behaviour.
Branding Ali's crimes 'abhorrent', Assistant Chief Constable Colin McFarlane admitted that 'not enough was done' to 'supervise and oversee him', adding: 'For that I am truly sorry'.

Gosh, I wonder why there wasn't enough oversight? 

Until his arrest, bisexual Ali – who insisted on being known as 'Adz' – had seemed the perfect role model.

Because of the bisexuality? Or...something else? 


  1. 'Bisexual Ali'
    *Something something Harry Potter*

  2. Bisexual and Asian? HR must have been tripping over themselves to offer him a job.

    I'm a mad football fan so here's an analogy. When footy teams are struggling the manager usually gets sacked and the fans chant "sack the board". When the Met are in a mess no senior officer is ever held to account. They set up HR and the discipline code and are responsible for constant change as they climb the promotion ladder but they never take responsibility for their buffoonery.


  3. Probably he couldn't find any goats to shag in his corner of Manchester.

  4. Only an idiot would trust some gross shit doing oozingly well in The Filth. Come on, that fitting sobriquet was earned long ago.

  5. "*Something something Harry Potter*"


    "HR must have been tripping over themselves to offer him a job."

    One man, two boxes ticked! Surprised they didn't try to pesuade him to 'identify' as a WPC!

    "Probably he couldn't find any goats to shag in his corner of Manchester."

    No pretty ones, anyway...
