Wednesday 17 May 2023

Which 'Community' Is This..?

A 19-year-old man has avoided prison after a video was uncovered of him sexually assaulting a child.

The details are even stranger than you'd expect from the headline. 

Armando Ilie, aged 19, of Rosemary Gardens in Dagenham, appeared at Northampton Crown Court on Thursday, April 13 after pleading guilty to sexually assaulting a child and making indecent photographs of children.

That's a long way to go, isn't it? 

The court heard that a Samsung phone belonging to the defendant was discovered at the scene of a robbery at an Abington Street shop in Northampton town centre in 2019. Illes was, however, not involved in the robbery itself - the court heard.

Curiouser and curiouser... 

Dhabeshwar Sharma, in mitigation, said that Illie demonstrated insight into his offending and showed remorse to probation officers about his actions. Mr Sharma said: “He had the courage and decency to accept his offending and was candid with the probation service.

He didn't really have much choice, did he? It was on his phone! 

He added that the defendant was young and sexual matters were a “taboo” in his family so he had no one to discuss his feelings with.


Illie’s family filled the public gallery and were said to be “supportive” of the defendant but struggled as news of his offending got out to members of their community. The court heard that Illie’s father was “ashamed and embarrassed” and said he would ensure he does not commit further offences.

Did anyone ask him how? I'd have just handed him two large housebricks, personally... 

Recorder Sprawson, sentencing, said: “An uncomfortable trend seems to be developing in your offending.”
He added: “You may consider yourself somewhat fortunate that your family remains so close to you and are still willing to support you when others may have turned away and disowned you.”

I wonder exactly what sort of 'community' we are talking about here? I'm guessing it's not the classic ex-Eastender that used to populate Dagenham. 

Illie was sentenced to a two-month community order - during which, he must attend 50 rehabilitation requirement days and adhere to a six-month curfew. He has been added to the Sex Offenders Register for five years.

When he'll still be comparatively young. 


  1. The surname Ilie is Romanian in origin (Trans: "Elijah"), so at a guess his community is likely Roma, with all that this implies.

  2. "The surname Ilie is Romanian in origin..."

    Ah! The light dawns.
