Monday 22 May 2023

Why Can't They Serve It In Kenya?

The killers of a 16-year-old boy who chased him 'with a foot-long machete' before stabbing him to death have been jailed for life.
After his death, the killers went on to post a video online celebrating his death before fleeing to Kenya, evading a Met Police investigation. The pair were arrested in the country's capital Nairobi last year following a manhunt and were flown back to the UK.
Monteiro was sentenced to life behind bars, serving a minimum of 24 years, while Mohamud was sentenced to life, serving a minimum of 23 years. Both were absent for their sentencing by Judge Sarah Munro, KC.

And I presume it's against their 'human rights' to drag them into the dock? 

Once in Kenya, Monteiro proceeded to get married and have a son. His wife and child still remain there, the court heard.

Ah, well, can't split up a family, eh progressives? Back he has to go! 

Judge Munro said: 'This is the third case I have had to pass a life sentence for murder this week alone.
'It is hard for those who don't sit in these courts day to day to understand how young people in their teens find themselves embroiled in gang culture.'

That's not what's hard, Sarah. What's hard is understanding why the courts treat these animals so lightly... 


  1. Why are they still alive? Why am I being taxed to keep them in a life of leisure?

  2. I suspect that Frankfurt school sentencing guidelines are being passed down from above.

  3. I cannot imagine what the common theme is with the bulk of these stabbings.

  4. If sent back to Kenya, I doubt that he would serve any real sentence, with some liberal leftie loonie claiming that he did not commit any offence in Kenya, so why should he serve a prison sentence there? The fact that he is black and, as everyone knows, Britain is rife with racism (though everyone from shitholeistan and all points west want to go there) suggests he has been fitted up by the Colonial system in force. A period of community service, a contribution from the local poor box, and he'll be on the next dinghy from Calais - and the UK Border Farce Illegal Immigrant Escort Service will let him in. Why aren't these invaders photographed and fingerprinted on arrival. That's one way of trying to stop recidivists.

  5. "Why are they still alive? Why am I being taxed to keep them in a life of leisure?"

    Both very good questions.

    "I suspect that Frankfurt school sentencing guidelines are being passed down from above."

    Yes, me too...

    "I cannot imagine what the common theme is with the bulk of these stabbings."

    It's a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma...
