Friday 21 July 2023

But Then They'd Have To Do Some Work, Mr Pitt...

Mr Pitt then ran into obstacles when he attempted to report the crime.
“I tried to contact 101 and they had excessive amounts of calls so they asked if I could do it online,” he explained.
“I tried to do it online but it said you have to have a video that lasts one minute before the incident and one minute after.
“It’s ridiculous because I don’t have that.
“When the local bobby has their Monday meeting I'm going to talk with them and tell them what happened.”

I bet they can't wait! 

“If nothing gets reported, police don’t know about it and therefore they don't know there is anything to act upon.
“But the police need to make it much easier for the public to report these things in a very simple and straightforward manner that they don’t look at as a complete waste of time.”

I wonder why they don't? It's a mystery, isn't it? 


  1. Most UK residents are accustomed to an ineffective and lazy police. What I would like to see is plod becoming accustomed to pay which is commensurate with a useless bastard scale.

  2. In some farces, they'd owe US money!
