Thursday 27 July 2023

Could The Left Wing Establishment Get Its Story Straight..?

Is Nigel Farage a bumbling joke politician, a one-shot busted flush? 

Or a wily operator who engineered the fall from grace of a banking executive, helpless to avoid the pitfall he led her into?

The Telegraph’s story, which was based on information requests Farage had made to the bank, appeared to contradict an earlier BBC story which had said that Coutts had ousted him for falling below its financial thresholds, rather than concerns about his views.
Rose herself came under fire when it emerged that she had sat next to the BBC’s business editor, Simon Jack, at a function the previous night.

It's popcorn time every day, lately, isn't it? 


  1. She still walks away with many millions - far more than most of us (esp me!) could earn in our lifetimes - just as so many of our 'management class', both private and public sector. I worked in FE and despaired at the trend for people to take business studies rather than scientific/technical subjects during the '90s. It seems to me that managers add little to a business (or other organisation) that has been created by the technocrats..

  2. Farage is now setting himself up to be someone who can fix the fuck up that is the UK A re-entry to politics is on the cards imo.

  3. Did Rose resign, or was she sacked? If sacked, then she should not receive any severance pay. If she resigned, perhaps the bank could offset the severance pay from the many millions the share value of the bank has fallen? Not that that will happen, of course. I wonder which other commercial institution actually pays someone who leaves after causing that institution to lose so much money. I'm crap at maths, and can't keep a secret, so seem to be the ideal person to have a job at Natworst.

  4. I hadn't considered that it may have a been a deliberate plan by Nigel, but if so, it's certainly worked - albeit at some considerable personal cost.

  5. The very fact that the left-wing twiteratti hate him is enough reason for me to support Nigel.

  6. Mr Farage is the gift that keeps on giving.
    First he gave us Brexit, a dream many considered impossible, now he single-handedly and with one stone shafts both the dishonest banking system and the up-itself BBC.
    More power to his beer-elbow, I say.

  7. The usual process is that you are informed by HR that there is an investigation going on and that could lead to termination. If you jump then you get all your dues. (Contractual ones anyway) and without a blemish on your record. They may even hire you back after it goes quiet. Happens all the time. Firms don't really like to do investigations. Others get caught in the crossfire.

  8. "She still walks away with many millions - far more than most of us (esp me!) could earn in our lifetimes..."

    Hopefully a libel case could well divest her of some of that...

    "Farage is now setting himself up to be someone who can fix the fuck up that is the UK..."

    Never happen.

    "I'm crap at maths, and can't keep a secret, so seem to be the ideal person to have a job at Natworst."

    I'm worse at maths than you, it'll be a hard-fought interview!

    "I hadn't considered that it may have a been a deliberate plan by Nigel..."

    Oh, I very much doubt it.

    "The very fact that the left-wing twiteratti hate him is enough reason for me to support Nigel."

    See also: Donald J Trump

    "More power to his beer-elbow, I say."

    He is depleting my popcorn supply!

    "Happens all the time. Firms don't really like to do investigations."

    Because they already know what they are going to find?
