Tuesday 4 July 2023

He's Not The Only One, Mihir...

Mihir Bose is the author of Dreaming The Impossible: The Battle to Create A Non-Racial Sports World, according to his 'Guardian' bio. He also seems to be a bit of an idiot.
For too long, senior leaders in cricket have been in denial about race. When I interviewed the veteran cricket administrator Tim Lamb for my book on creating a non-racial sports world, he said he had found no evidence of racism in the game. When I asked him about Yorkshire having a separate cricket league run by Asian Muslims, he did not see it as a problem.

Did you not wonder why there was a Black Police Association, Mihir? Did you not see that as a similar problem? 

“The fact of the matter is, rightly or wrongly, there are Asian cricketers and Asian clubs that feel more comfortable playing with their own kind,” he said. “I mean there are cultural differences.

Are you denying that, then, Mihir? 

Then he said something that really rocked me: “Throughout our conversation we’ve talked about racist behaviour on the part of white people against black people, but I’m sure you wouldn’t deny that there is reverse racism by non-white people towards white people.”

I'd argue that. Because it's not 'reverse racism', it's just racism. But Mihir doesn't mention how he answered that question, does he, Reader? 

Within women’s cricket, racism is also evident. Of the 161 female players at professional level, players are disproportionately white, with only two Black British, four mixed/multiple ethnicity and eight South Asian female players.

Fancy! A team being disproportionally white in a country which is disproportionally white! 


  1. Racism is increasing in the UK. It was almost gone in the 90s but +ve discrimination created by our government has brought it back.

    IMO it is our governments fault. As you say they have Black Police Officer Association, where is the white, yellow and sky blue pink ones? That is discrimination right there.

    I hear the word N**gg** a lot from black people and that apparently is acceptable but if I were to use it I'd be prosecuted. That is racism as well.

    I didn't know we had Muslim cricket clubs but try setting up a Christian one. It'll be shot down.

    Then they bring in thousands of foreigners most who will not work and have never contributed to our society and they kick out our needy to house them and tax us to perjury to pay for it and demand that we accept it or be imprisoned, or shot if we resist.

    The cause is our government. They need to fix it but while we vote for the same clowns time after time why should they change. After all they are now starting to cancel those that could set up opposition to them so we won't have alternatives to vote for.

    We need drastic change here and I don't see any legal way of it happening.

  2. Mr Bose and I certainly have something in common, as I am working on "Dreaming the Impossible: The battle to create a non racial rapping record label".
    For too long, rappers have been in denial about race. When I interviewed one of the leading rappers in the country on creating a non-racial rapping community, he told me to f*ck off, and threatened to have 'da posse' sort me out for disrespecting his cultural heritage, adding, "White boys can't rap. So stick with pussy ballads."
    I wonder if The Grundiag would be interested in my draft about forming a white rappers association?
    Just asking?

  3. "“The fact of the matter is, rightly or wrongly, there are Asian cricketers and Asian clubs that feel more comfortable playing with their own kind,” he said. “I mean there are cultural differences.”"

    So whats the problem then? If Asians like playing in teams made up of other Asians, and whites like playing in teams made up of other whites, what exactly is the problem? And what are you going to do about it? Say to predominantly white clubs 'You must have 2 or 3 non-white players in your team?' [Which incidentally they are doing - my old cricket club is constantly getting hassled, along with all the other teams in their league, by the county cricket board about the need to be more 'diverse'. There are several teams who are close to or are 100% non-white, one wonders if they are getting the same letters, and if they will be subject to similar sanctions?] What are teams to do, drag non-white people off the streets against their will? You can't make someone join a cricket club.

  4. Why do people forget the UK is a majority white Northern EUROPEAN country?

  5. " It was almost gone in the 90s but +ve discrimination created by our government has brought it back."

    Exactly! It's almost as if it was planned, isn't it?

    "Mr Bose and I certainly have something in common, as I am working on "Dreaming the Impossible: The battle to create a non racial rapping record label"."


    "So whats the problem then? If Asians like playing in teams made up of other Asians, and whites like playing in teams made up of other whites, what exactly is the problem?"

    Forced diversity is the answer, clearly!

    "Why do people forget the UK is a majority white Northern EUROPEAN country?"

    Currently, Dr, currently...
