Wednesday 26 July 2023

It's A Great Idea...

...but what do you do when it can't find anything to buy at all?

On the App Store, Veebs currently has a 4.4 out of 5 star rating, with one woman writing: 'I'm a conservative mama bear, and I've been looking for something like this for a few years now.
'All I can say is bless you, Veebs, and to all the companies shoving their ideas on me and my family — bye.'
Another user also commented: 'I can't believe someone finally built this.'

I can't believe it still shows some companies to buy from! 


  1. One does have this awful suspicion that the classification it gives to companies will depend on the bribe they offer, not their policies.

    Still, at least this proves that they don't really give a damn for any values, woke or unwoke.

  2. "One does have this awful suspicion that the classification it gives to companies will depend on the bribe they offer, not their policies."

    Oh, indeed! Trying to find a squeaky-clean company is like trying to find an honest politician...

    ...but I wonder if the tide isn't slowly turning on all things woke?
