Monday 10 July 2023

Preparing That Crop Of Low Hanging Fruit...

Updated legal guidance for prosecutors that was quietly published by the Crown Prosecution service last year includes a list of examples of abuse of 'trans and non-binary victims'.
One is 'withholding money for transitioning', while another is 'refusing to use their preferred name or pronoun.'

Normal politeness is now to be enforced by law? Well, that won't have consequences, will it? 

A third adds: 'Body shaming or criticising the victim for not being 'a real man/woman' if they have not undergone reassignment surgery.'

Even if they do go under the knife, they aren't that. They'll never be that.  

The guidance could conceivably apply to wives 'abusing' their transgender husbands or vice versa, or even children referring to their parents as 'mum' or 'dad' if they have transitioned.

Aha! Easy pickings for the CPS! I was wondering what - apart from Stonewall! - was really driving this...

Ms Forstater, who last week won more than £100,000 in compensation from a think-tank that dropped her over her view that people cannot change their biological sex claimed the new guidelines showed how the CPS has been 'ideologically captured'.

'Captured' implies a fight. They surrendered, Maya. Without a shot being fired.  

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