Saturday 15 July 2023

Remember When Disability Was Obvious?

The London executive, who worked at Swiss bank UBS, was ruled to be disabled after claiming she was discriminated against at work.

And the nature of this 'disability'? Well, once, no doubt, it would be classed as simple middle-class neurosis. 

This saw her obsess over the negative effects of germs, chemicals, non-organic foods and take 'extreme steps' to avoid them. She was also too afraid to drink tap water, and only allowed her young son to have filtered or Highland Spring bottled water.

And is this now a disability? Really? 

A judge at the London Central Employment Tribunal said this fixation should be considered a disability under the UK's Equality Act 2020.



  1. Dammit! I always thought that UBS was the 'University of Bums on Seats' with their website over at How like a Swiss Banker to have appropriated the acronym.

  2. She shd be put on standard disbility benefits subject to a means test.

  3. In Clown World, a disability is what you deem it to be, just like sex, gender, and being offended.

  4. To be fair it does sound as though she's pretty far gone. It's a pity the opportunity was not (as far as one can tell) taken to get her some treatment. Banning her from access to social media, TV and all mainstream news outlets would probably go a long way to help. Might be a good idea too to prevent her having more than very limited, supervised access to that poor child of hers - after all we can't have her passing on her obviously crippling obsessions to the next generation.

    One rather suspects that this "disability" would be cured in short order under this regime.

    [IANAPsychiatrist mind you]


  5. Reminds me of this.


  6. Reminds me of this.

  7. "Dammit! I always thought that UBS was the 'University of Bums on Seats'..."


    "She shd be put on standard disbility benefits subject to a means test."

    And the results televised!

    "In Clown World, a disability is what you deem it to be, just like sex, gender, and being offended."

    Sadly, that seems to be increasingly likely to be the cause of the spread of such...

    "To be fair it does sound as though she's pretty far gone."

    Oh, indeed. One wonders what the father thinks...

    "Reminds me of this."

