Monday 3 July 2023

'The sea doesn't care about your feelings.'

'The RNLI, sitting in their plush head offices in Poole, Dorset, are ruining the institution with their latest woke crusade.'
The whistleblower added: 'I am speaking because I can't stand what's going on here any longer.
'The sea doesn't care about your feelings. You need a solid boat, a strong pair of hands, and a belly for it,' they said.

And if you're in peril on the sea, do you give a damn who turns up, what colour or creed they are, who they like to go to bed with? 

The RNLI said earlier this month that it saved 108 Channel migrants' lives in 2022. It launched 290 times to rescue migrants, mainly from the South-East coast, including Hastings.

Oooof, that's not really the stunning rebuttal you might think it is... 

'A thorough investigation has taken place into behaviour at Hastings Lifeboat Station and appropriate action has been taken based on the findings.
'Local management continue to work closely with the station to create a positive environment to continue saving lives at sea.'

I'd have thought 'a positive environment' in one of these kind of workplaces was about teamwork, courage, fortitude, etc. But that's not the priority of the RNLI anymore: 

It added: 'At the RNLI we aim to be truly inclusive, valuing diversity and appreciating everyone for their individual contribution to saving lives at sea.
'To help us achieve this we are members of Stonewall's Diversity Champions programme, an advisory service based on the Equality Act, which assists employers to embed LGBT+ inclusion across their organisation.'

This organisation is going to prove as pernicious and devastating as the government response to covid, isn't it?  


  1. They could squeeze a few more letters and symbols into the RNLI acronym.
    The L is there already.I
    It would do wonders for donations.

  2. I struck the RNLI off my support list years ago after that storm in a teacup. The dismissal of a volunteer lifeboatman for having a saucy illustration on his tea mug.

  3. "It launched 290 times to rescue migrants,...." .
    No, it didn't. It may have launched 290 times, but how many of them were pre-arranged? I understand the French navy, aka the French illegal immigrant escort service, is in radio contact with the RNLI and Border Farce, giving locations, and even satellite readings, after telling the invaders to phone 999 on their mobiles, which are then thrown overboard once the British hosts are spotted (this is to prevent UK authorities obtaining details of the people smugglers, but no matter, as they are given !mobile phones once they land).
    The RNLI is just another NGO, albeit with those who do the work being unpaid volunteers, unlike those at head, or branch, offices.I

  4. If they launched nearly 300 times, and only saved just over 100 "migrants" they don't appear to be doing a very good job! But since we know the RNLI has frequent mid-channel rendevous with our friends the French, and invariably return loaded to the gunnel's, something about their claims is extremely fishy...

  5. They're a rescue service not a ferry for illegals. They'll never see another penny of mine.

  6. I must go down to Rye Harbour, and check out whether their grave has stopped revolving at a rate of knots.

  7. That's it. No more donations to the RNLI.

  8. How about every 'normal' crew-member simply refuses to attend, leaving it to the diversity crowd to display their 'talents'?

    I suspect it would kill two birds with one stone, no more "rescued" (Does a transfer from the French Navy count as rescuing? Asking for a friend) immigrants and no more ... diverse crews.

    I can virtually guarantee (just like everywhere else) it isn't that there are queue's of 'diverse' people lining up to crew the boats, but that what such volunteers 'always' do is make excuses, are simply incapable, or refuse to do 'the actual job', preferring something safe, air-conditioned, well-remunerated sinecures at head-office, and with all the perks and status (but non of the hard work or risk). [That the crews, risking their lives daily, have a 'few issues' with the demographics of those ordering them about, whilst both knowing nothing about the job, and demanding woke idiocy, is ... hardly surprising]

    Yet another example of Pournelle's Iron law, and Conquests third law, in action.

  9. May late Father was a Merchant Navy sailor. Many of his ancestors were sailors. Because of that history I've always been ready and willing to donate what little money I can to the RNLI. I take the view that it would have been my father or one of my other ancestors who the RNLI would turn out for at great risk to themselves.

    Now however I would not give the RNLI the drippings off of my nose. The political correctness of RNLI management and their continued involvement in rescuing the invaders from France means that I cannot in good conscience support the RNLI anymore.

  10. Here's a radical suggestion:
    Can't our limp-wristed, 'king useless goernment give the RNLI £100 for every would-be invader that the RNLI delivers to French land (not onto a French boat)?
    By the way, I bank with Yorkshire, but the account name is not Benn!

  11. Here's an idea for the RNLI. How about sponsoring Ru Paul's Drag Rescue. Should be suitably "diverse".

  12. "They could squeeze a few more letters and symbols into the RNLI acronym.
    The L is there already.I"


    "I struck the RNLI off my support list years ago after that storm in a teacup."

    I don't think you were alone in that...

    "If they launched nearly 300 times, and only saved just over 100 "migrants" they don't appear to be doing a very good job!"

    Is Diane Abbott doing the stats for them?

    "They're a rescue service not a ferry for illegals. They'll never see another penny of mine."

    They were a rescue service...

  13. "How about every 'normal' crew-member simply refuses to attend, leaving it to the diversity crowd to display their 'talents'?"

    That, I would love to see!

    "I take the view that it would have been my father or one of my other ancestors who the RNLI would turn out for at great risk to themselves."

    And another great British institution is holed below the waterline and sinking fast... 😑

    "Here's an idea for the RNLI. How about sponsoring Ru Paul's Drag Rescue. Should be suitably "diverse"."

