Wednesday 5 July 2023

This Is What Will Sink The Tory Party...

...despite making little effort to hide his whereabouts, the Home Office has seemingly been unable to locate the serial thief who has terrorised outer London for nearly a decade. But it took this newspaper just two weeks to find him.

The 'Mail' hacks do a better job than our Border Farce and police. Just let that sink in... 

We pieced together information from social media, newspaper clippings and intelligence from the Albanian community to track Puka down to a £250,000 two-bed terraced flat in Hounslow, west London. The property is owned by an accountant. Puka is not listed at the address. When we visited, he was spotted leaving in a £60,000 black Mercedes CLS Coupe to get a coffee in a T-shirt emblazoned with the words 'Weekend Offender' and 'Admit Nothing'.

He's spitting in our faces, and our government is doing nothing at all to stop it.  

Immigration minister Robert Jenrick has admitted to the deportation of just 'hundreds' of Albanians despite over 12,000 arriving on small boats in 12 months. Britain struck a 'gold standard' deal with Albania in a bid to improve the process. It includes convicts with a year left to serve in UK jails being freed early and deported. But when the BBC spoke to 50 Albanians deported under this deal in May, they said they would immediately attempt to return to the UK.

The Tory Party is finished. Stick a fork in it. It's done.  


  1. The whole political system is broken, the utterly useless Tories are the least bad option. There are no reasonable alternatives to a thoroughly terrible government.

  2. I agree about the Tories but ... when the only alternative is apparently the very corrupt nihilistic idiots that planned, organised and funded this whole 'immigration' thing in the first place (may Bliar burn in Hell), Labour. Who are you going to vote for?

    I 'wish' there was a realistic alternative, but (considering the majority in this country) there's only a choice between bad and ... disastrous.

    Be honest, if it's not the Tories mismanaging and screwing-up, we'd have Labour ... intentionally doubling-down instead.

    [I think the whole lot should be dangling from street furniture but ....]

  3. This is just one reason why the invaders should be photographed, fingerprinted, and had DNA taken, once the Border Farce Illegal Immigrant Escort Service drops them off before returning to their planned meeting with the French naval escort agency.

  4. "The whole political system is broken, the utterly useless Tories are the least bad option. "

    I used to think so. Now, I think they are all equally bad.

    "I agree about the Tories but ... when the only alternative is apparently the very corrupt nihilistic idiots that planned, organised and funded this whole 'immigration' thing in the first place (may Bliar burn in Hell), Labour. Who are you going to vote for?"

    I'm not. For the first time ever, given I've voted ever since I was of legal age to do so, I'm going to sit it out. I always believed that not to vote dishonoured those who fought for a woman's right to do so.

    I still believe that. But to vote for any of these identikit clowns dishonours them even more.

  5. "The whole political system is broken, the utterly useless Tories are the least bad option. "

    I used to think so. Now, I think they are all equally bad.

    "I agree about the Tories but ... when the only alternative is apparently the very corrupt nihilistic idiots that planned, organised and funded this whole 'immigration' thing in the first place (may Bliar burn in Hell), Labour. Who are you going to vote for?"

    I'm not. For the first time ever, given I've voted ever since I was of legal age to do so, I'm going to sit it out. I always believed that not to vote dishonoured those who fought for a woman's right to do so.

    I still believe that. But to vote for any of these identikit clowns dishonours them even more.
