Sunday 13 August 2023

It Does Explain A Lot, To Be Fair...

...but I think it was likely to be more often than 'a week'. 

H/T: Stephen Brown via email


  1. A vile man hated by all under him in the Met. He has delayed this hearing for many many months whilst on full pay even though he has nearly 40 years in the police...could have retired ten years ago on a huge pension but he's job-pissed. Hope he gets sacked.

  2. "It was during my pressure job as the Yard's Lost Property Director, I felt compelled to take bundles of stuff home...purely for more detailed analysis. My research continued unabated, weed in and weed out. In spite of what were initially, encouraging results, I discovered that when you are drinking and smoking such unidentified stuff, you can stay up laughing for a lot longer but tend to forget things. Thus, the task to discover the owner of pallets of the lost gear, was left entirely to Pot luck."

  3. Copper breaks the law shocker. Along with raping, speeding and fiddling timesheets & expenses (plus anything else the self-entitled pricks think they have the right to do).

  4. Another hypocrite breaking the laws he help set up.

    What is it with these people that want to control everyone else in every minute aspect of their lives but think they get a pass.

    He should be sacked immediately and have the relevant part of his pension revoked.

  5. He refused to take a drugs test. If you or I were to refuse to take a drug test we would be given the same penalty as a positive result.
    Also thank you Jaded. I have to keep telling myself that they are not all the same.

  6. "A vile man hated by all under him in the Met."

    I'm not surprised by that at all.

    "My research continued unabated, weed in and weed out."


    "Copper breaks the law shocker. "

    It is getting quite 'ho hum' now, isn't it?

    "What is it with these people that want to control everyone else in every minute aspect of their lives but think they get a pass."

    Do they start out with good intentions and get ground down, or pick a job to suit their proclivities? It's a puzzle.

    "He refused to take a drugs test. If you or I were to refuse to take a drug test we would be given the same penalty as a positive result."

    Good point!
