Saturday 12 August 2023

'Nurse! He's At It Again!'

George Monbiot, our country's biggest joke in the journalism world, and boy, is that a tough field..!

The mocking on Twitter was as swift and merciless as those same predators bringing down a hapless buffalo:

Leading one to wonder what would happen if the lions did too good a job?


  1. Venison burgers would have fewer side effects.

  2. I seem to remember that in the brave old days of yore, blokes in red coats with packs of dogs'd swarm across the landscape killing anything they could catch.

    Has all this been abolished or something?

  3. And who is going to go round bagging up all the wolf sh*t for responsible disposal in the approved receptacles?

  4. I've know an (unfortunately) large number of animal rights/vegetarian types over the years and ... whilst they all cheerfully campaign for the 'ethical' restriction on hunting, they all equally demanded immediate extermination of any animal (like rats) that inconvenienced 'them'. They aren't 'really' in favour of animals, they all just hate humans is all.

    Point? Monbiot has zero interest, or knowledge, let alone experience of either deer or wolves. What he has is ... a chance to both virtue signal to his fellow (loony zealot) metropolitan idiots, 'and' gets to 'stick-it' to those deplorable rural types.

    I'm reminded of the Californian eco-loons who campaigned, and got, a complete ban on deer-hunting and logging in a State park. Result? Thousands of deer, the population no longer contained, having outgrown the food supply, starved to death. And the rare and unique flora and fauna that existed in the pastures caused by millennia of Indian slash-and-burn agriculture, went extinct as those (man-made) pastures disappeared.

    But ... I'm actually all for it. We rural deplorables will cope (possibly with a bit of SSS) but at least it'll keep the citified idiots like Monbiot out of the countryside (well at least it will after the first few get eaten).

  5. "Venison burgers would have fewer side effects."

    Sadly, most of the venison in supermarkets is farmed, and often not even in the UK! Which is crazy.

    "Has all this been abolished or something?"

    I think we just swapped it for chavs in Kappa tracksuits and pitbulls...

    "And who is going to go round bagging up all the wolf sh*t for responsible disposal in the approved receptacles?"


    "They aren't 'really' in favour of animals, they all just hate humans is all."

    Spot on!
