Wednesday 2 August 2023

Question Answered...

A 5-year-old Indiana boy who shot his baby brother dead was high on cocaine at the time — while the dead toddler had marijuana in his system, according to prosecutors.

Good grief, what sort of parents would... 

The shocking revelation came as neglect and drug charges were unsealed Tuesday against the boys’ parents, Deonta Jermaine Johnson, 27, and Shatia Tiara Welch, 24.

Oh. Never mind.  

H/T: pst314 at David Thompson's comment thread


  1. Some parents aren't what they are cracked up to be and don't know where to draw the line.

  2. I notice that in the same paper quoted (The New York Post) there's another item of "news" to the effect that "Lizzo forced dancers to eat bananas from sex workers’ vaginas during Amsterdam trip: bombshell lawsuit". Nice!

  3. The best part of that story was that she sacked one of her dancers for being too fat.

  4. "...and don't know where to draw the line."

    These probably aren't aware there should BE a line...unless it's of coke!


    I (used to) like bananas!

    "The best part of that story was that she sacked one of her dancers for being too fat."

    It's like something from 'The Onion', isn't it?
