Friday 18 August 2023

So Do I, Louise, So Do I....

Louise Hart believes education is key. 'Every year, 35,000 dogs under the age of three are put to sleep for behavioural issues,' she says. 'At Dogs Trust we want to improve that figure.'

Me too. But I want to see it go UP! So many dangerous unsocialised mutts in the hands of careless or actively unsocial owners.

These idiots, however, are firmly in the 'Awww, poor doggy!' crowd, of course...

'When a dog bites, it really is the last resort for them and a lot of our resources for people of all ages are about reading body language. Learning, for example, when dogs are showing fear, like having their ears back or their tail between their legs, and knowing there is potential danger around that.'

Yes, because when your child is savaged by some chav's pitbull-substitute, it's your fault - or theirs - for not reading the signs. 

Those sentiments are echoed by Debby Lucken, who has also founded Kids Around Dogs, an association of dog and childcare professionals set up to educate children in how to be more 'dog-savvy'.
'I feel that the owners themselves are not learning enough about dogs,' she says. 'Dogs speak to us all the time, but we need to learn their language in order to understand what makes them upset and, ultimately, scared.
'Almost all dog-related incidents are due to dogs being pushed to their limits.'

Really..? What pushed this one, overwork? The fact so many bad guys he'd caught escaped justice?  


  1. I was collecting glasses in a pub once, and a dog jumped up and bit my arm.
    The owner said, 'Oh, no, no, no. You should never reach over a dog'.
    I said get out, take your mutt with you and don't come back
    I'm not sure what pushed that flea bag to it's limt?

  2. I wonder if this silly woman will feel the same way when some numpty's XL Bully hound has it's jaws around her limbs? Of course, people like her make sure they never close to animals like that. Would love to see her take one for a walk.

  3. "The owner said, 'Oh, no, no, no. You should never reach over a dog'."

    Why do these idiots think that everyone else has a responsibility? It's their dog, it's their responsibility!

    "I wonder if this silly woman will feel the same way when some numpty's XL Bully hound has it's jaws around her limbs?"

    As you point out, what they say and what they do about these mutts are two very different things...

  4. Further to my last comment, I understand one of these animals has attacked a Police horse while it was out with it's rider, on patrol. Shirley, it's time for the numpties supposedly governing this country did something positive? Bringing in Clarkson's Law, where a dog attacking another animal or human, is killed, immediately followed by it's owner, may be a start. That may concentrate the minds of these morons somewhat.
