Friday 4 August 2023

We'll See, Parole Board, We'll See...

A Parole Board spokesman told the Mirror: 'We can confirm the parole review has been referred to the Parole Board by the Secretary of State for Justice.
'Reviews are undertaken thoroughly and with extreme care. Protecting the public is our number one priority.'
Frankly, your track record isn't encouraging, is it? 

But hey, Reader, maybe after 30 years behind bars, she's no longer a danger?
Two years ago she lost her bid to relax her jail regime after she plotted to split another inmate's head open and throw her down a stair case.


  1. Parole board is another not fit for purpse office that is influenced by political situations.

    This is be one area where a computer could make the call. With caveats. After all I've watched as few of these prison shows.

  2. Since we are apparently having a situation of dire emergency surrounding finding housing (since they're all full of gimmigrants) ...

    I suggest we insist that should a parole board (or some woke mental health panel) free an inmate, then that inmate lives with the members of that board (and their families) on a rotating basis for a minimum of six-months post release. (I thought, maybe housing them with their victims families - or at least that big ugly ones, pre-supplied with sharp-pointy objects and shovels - was a possibility, or allowing the families of any new victims post release to randomly select and string-up a member of the panel that freed them, but apparently that would be too successful, and popular).
    I suspect we'd see considerably less people released (or possibly/probably a lot fewer parole board members - so a win/win situation then).

  3. "This is be one area where a computer could make the call."

    Properly risk-based programming would work well.

    "...then that inmate lives with the members of that board (and their families) on a rotating basis for a minimum of six-months post release. "

