Wednesday 6 September 2023

"And 2023's Brass Neck Award Goes To..."

Yes, Reader, you read that right. The man who shut does the entire country, not just the schools, for a case of sore throats and runny noses for most people...

I find I have no words, so over to Longrider

"The man is a charlatan who is clearly out of his depth.
By God, a little abuse is the least these charlatans deserve. May they all rot in hell for all of eternity for what they did, and that includes Whitty. Every time I look at my shopping bill as it steadily increases as a direct consequence of the advice given to the government by these ‘experts,’ I curse the ground they walk upon. They have the gall to whine about how they are reviled when they deserve to be lying forgotten in a stinking oubliette, wallowing in their own waste."


  1. Unusually, Longrider understates the contempt for Whitty and the rest of the Covid and (while we're on) "climate crisis" charlatans masquerading as "scientists".

  2. "May they all rot in hell for all of eternity for what they did....I curse the ground they walk upon. They have the gall to whine about how they are reviled when they deserve to be lying forgotten in a stinking oubliette, wallowing in their own waste."

    Choice words and my advance apologies to Longrider, knowing I will be strongly inclined to use them in future descriptions of Plod.

  3. Many years ago I coined this definition of experts - X is an unknown quantity and a Spurt is a drip under pressure - and I see it proved correct again in this case.

  4. Why has Whitty not yet been hanged?

  5. "Unusually, Longrider understates the contempt..."

    Some of my friends who were very vocal about 'the dangers' of Covid appear to be - albeit slowly! - waking up. Took long enough.

    "Choice words..."

    Indeed so!

    "...and I see it proved correct again in this case."

    The thirst for publicity is a big giveaway, isn't it?

    "Why has Whitty not yet been hanged?"

    Maybe there'll be a reckoning one day...
