Friday 1 September 2023

How'd You Like Your 'Community Action' Now, Lefties?

At least a quarter of the cameras in London's newly expanded Ultra Low Emission Zone have been damaged by vandals, new data reveals.
Campaigners this week have stepped up efforts to deface the cameras installed in wake of mayor Sadiq Khan's controversial extension of the scheme, which is now clobbering thousands more drivers with £12.50 a day charges.
A crowd-sourced map appears to show that 450 of the 1,762 cameras installed to monitor cars in the zone are damaged or missing, The Telegraph reported.

Oh, the populace is rising up against hated installations and vandalising them because of what they represent? Well, councils, you know what to do, don't you? this somehow different? 


  1. I used to live and work in London (Belsize Park was the last, don't chu know) and still buy from specialist shops in most of the boroughs and ...

    Every single one, thinking I might find it useful, has forwarded a detailed map and instructions on how best to access the shop whilst avoiding the cameras in the area.

    It brought a tear to my eye and made me proud I'm English!

  2. Whilst supporting the principles of the camera-vandals, it's less easy to support what is actually criminal damage of public property. They would gain far greater support and more volunteer helpers if they simply covered them with bin-bags - it renders them equally ineffective but without any physical damage.
    If thousands copied that non-criminal act, Khan's agents couldn't possibly keep up with removing the bags, thus rendering the whole devious scheme impractical.

  3. @Mudplugger. I think that it has now reached beyond the point where criminal damage is justified. There isn't a problem with London's air quality, the whole ULEZ zone caper is based on falsehoods and is nothing but theft. The government is seriously discussing fining and imprisoning people for having houses that don't comply to ridiculous energy rules. This kind of insanity needs to be stopped and there is no longer a peaceful democratic route to ending it.

  4. "Every single one, thinking I might find it useful, has forwarded a detailed map and instructions on how best to access the shop whilst avoiding the cameras in the area.

    It brought a tear to my eye and made me proud I'm English!"


    "They would gain far greater support and more volunteer helpers if they simply covered them with bin-bags - it renders them equally ineffective but without any physical damage."

    The public purse would still fund the bag removers, though...

    "The government is seriously discussing fining and imprisoning people for having houses that don't comply to ridiculous energy rules. "

    Yes, I saw that. When can we elect some conservatives? They are sorely needed.
