Wednesday 13 September 2023

I Expect That's What She Thought Too...

The witness told the newspaper she saw the entire encounter but only started recording after things escalated. She said she didn't think the man was going to do anything to the woman because 'she's a woman' and was smaller than him.
...after all, it's probably not the first time she's done this and got away with it. Not this time, though. So, of course, the mob descended.
Growing anger over the clip on social media led to calls for residents to boycott the shop and sparked a planned protest outside the shop at 2pm today. The store closed in advance and a crowd has been gathered around the area with people peacefully protesting what they see as an 'example of everyday male violence against women'.
And what other people see as an English example of a US phenomenon David Thompson has been chronicling: the 'progressive retail experience'.
Detective Chief Superintendent Seb Adjei-Addoh, local policing commander for Southwark, told MailOnline: 'We know people will be concerned about a video circulating online of an incident in a shop.

I can't say I'm concerned. But then, thankfully, it's not a shop I'd use, and it's not in an area I'd ever have the misfortune to find myself in. 

'Our officers attended on Monday and continue to investigate the full circumstances of what has taken place.
'The investigation will include reviewing the actions of everyone involved. I would like to thank people in our local community for remaining calm and giving us the time to conduct a thorough investigation.'

What a pretty pickle we're in where a mob forces a shop to close and the police regard this as an example of 'the community' staying calm... 


  1. How soon, I wonder, before we see references to culturally-specific ‘alternative shopping practices’?

  2. Since shoplifting is hardly even being considered to be a crime, this is the kind of thing you would expect to be happening. If the police are no longer interested in protecting your business from theiving lowlifes, what choice do you have but to do it yourself?

  3. Moral: If you don't want to be choked, don't steal.

  4. The shopkeeper is clearly not black enough to have a crowd of scum to support him. I predict he will be arrested to appease the baying mob and will end up closing the shop and moving to a less diverse (and therefore less crime-ridden area).
    The thief involved will end up getting cautioned.

  5. How can you do more to start a race war?

  6. "The shopkeeper is clearly not black enough to have a crowd of scum to support him. I predict he will be arrested to appease the baying mob and will end up closing the shop and moving to a less diverse (and therefore less crime-ridden area)."

    ... and the local community (aka the baying mob) will complain about the lack of shops in the area.

  7. This is the quote that got me. The local police commander said, “ I can't say I'm concerned. But then, thankfully, it's not a shop I'd use, and it's not in an area I'd ever have the misfortune to find myself in.” FFS ! Even if that was true why did he need to say it?

  8. The precedent has now been set. Let no man try and stop a fat, black, female from trying to steal from their shop, especially in the shithole that is Peckham. That precedent was set by the mob, who all seem to be fat, black, and female.
    I can see more shops closing down, and then the thieving mob will complain it's racist.

  9. "...before we see references to culturally-specific ‘alternative shopping practices’?"


    "...the police are no longer interested in protecting your business from theiving lowlifes, what choice do you have but to do it yourself?"

    The inevitable consequences of toleration of low-level crime. It's inevitable.

    "Moral: If you don't want to be choked, don't steal."


    "The shopkeeper is clearly not black enough to have a crowd of scum to support him."

    In northern areas, he would be, though...

    "How can you do more to start a race war?"

    I'm starting to believe one is inevitable.

    ".. and the local community (aka the baying mob) will complain about the lack of shops in the area."

    Oh, indeed so!

    "This is the quote that got me."

    That's not a quote, that's my comment on the affair!

    "The precedent has now been set. "

    Yes, that's the danger!
