Thursday 14 September 2023

I Hope You Impounded His Time Machine Too...

A dog which mauled a three-year old girl's face in a horror attack was a banned Pitbull breed, it has been confirmed.

Gosh, the oldest dog in the world! After all, they've been banned in Britain since the Eighties, right? Unless this guy also has a DeLorean, how could this happen? 

The woman also alleged the owners had told how they had only got the ''bigger dog' yesterday.

That seems to be a factor in a hell of a lot of these cases, doesn't it? 

Chief Inspector Jim Wilde said: 'This was a horrific attack which has left a young girl receiving hospital treatment for significant injuries to her face.
I want to reassure people that she is currently receiving the best possible care and treatment for her injuries at Alder Hey, and we hope she makes a speedy recovery.
'We seized the dog at the scene, which will now be humanely destroyed, and extensive efforts are now underway to establish exactly what happened. I want to appeal to anyone who was in the area at the time of the incident, who may have information which could help us with our investigation to come forward as soon as possible.
'You may even live locally and have CCTV, or have been passing in a vehicle and captured dashcam footage - if so, we want to hear from you.
This case highlights in the starkest terms the potential dangers of dogs, and I would appeal to anyone with information about dangerous dogs in their area to contact us so that we can take proactive action.'

You've changed your tune a bit, haven't you? There's been plenty of dangerous dogs in Liverpool, and the police response - when there's any to speak of - has mostly been 'Can't do anything'... 


  1. Why is there an investigation?

    Banned breed. Check.
    Human used as food, Check.
    Dog caught.
    Owner identified.

    Why do they need CCTV and any other investigatory work?
